Carpet and Rug Markets in Africa to 2020 - Market Size, Development, and Forecasts

Price :
Published : Mar-2016
No. of Pages : 125
Table of Contents

This industry report package includes country reports from the following countries:
Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa
Below you can find the Table of Contents for one of the reports. All the reports have a similar structure and content so that different countries can be easily compared with each other.
1. Market for Carpets and Rugs in the Country in Question 6
Overall Market 6
Market by Type 7
Knotted carpets and rugs 8
Tufted carpets and rugs 9
Woven carpets and rugs 10
Other carpets and rugs 11
2. Forecasts and Future Outlook 12
Overall Market 12
Market by Type 13
Knotted carpets and rugs 14
Tufted carpets and rugs 15
Woven carpets and rugs 16
Other carpets and rugs 17
3. Market Potential Rates 18
4. Carpet and Rug Market Size Compared to Market Growth in Different Countries 19
5. Market Definition 20
6. Methodology and Sources 21
7. About Global Research & Data Services 22

List of Tables

Table 1 Demand for carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2015 (US dollars)
Table 2 Demand for carpets and rugs in the country in question, by type, 2009 and 2015 (share)
Table 3 Demand for knotted carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2015 (US dollars)
Table 4 Demand for tufted carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2015 (US dollars)
Table 5 Demand for woven carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2015 (US dollars)
Table 6 Demand for other carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2015 (US dollars)
Table 7 Demand for carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2016-2020 (US dollars)
Table 8 Demand for carpets and rugs in the country in question, by type, 2009, 2015 and 2020 (share)
Table 9 Demand for knotted carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2016-2020 (US dollars)
Table 10 Demand for tufted carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2016-2020 (US dollars)
Table 11 Demand for woven carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2016-2020 (US dollars)
Table 12 Demand for other carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2016-2020 (US dollars)
Table 13 Market Potential Rates of carpet and rug industry in the country in question

List of Graphs

Graph 1 Demand for carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2015 (US dollars)
Graph 2 Demand for knotted carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2015 (US dollars)
Graph 3 Demand for tufted carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2015 (US dollars)
Graph 4 Demand for woven carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2015 (US dollars)
Graph 5 Demand for other carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2015 (US dollars)
Graph 6 Demand for carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2020 (US dollars)
Graph 7 Demand for knotted carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2020 (US dollars)
Graph 8 Demand for tufted carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2020 (US dollars)
Graph 9 Demand for woven carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2020 (US dollars)
Graph 10 Demand for other carpets and rugs in the country in question, 2009-2020 (US dollars)
Graph 11 Carpet and rug market size compared to market growth in different countries
Filed in: Consumer Goods, Home, Office & Garden
Publisher : Global Research and Data Services